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Appointment Policies 

Cancellation/No Show Policy for Appointments

We understand there are times when you must miss an appointment due to emergency or family/work obligations. We respectfully request 24 hours advance notice to cancel an appointment. When you do not call to cancel an appointment, you may be preventing another patient from receiving much needed treatment.

Failure to cancel appointments within the requested time frame will result in a $70 non-refundable deposit to schedule appointments in the future.  

Scheduled Appointments

We understand that delays can happen, however we must try to keep the veterinarian and other patients on time. If you arrive 10 minutes past your scheduled time, we may need to reschedule your appointment for another day and time.

Cancellation/No Show Policy for Surgery

Due to the large block of time needed for surgery, last minute cancellations can cause problems and added expense for the office.

If surgery is not canceled at least 3 days in advance, you will be charged a $100 non-refundable fee to reschedule the surgery.

All Specialist surgeries require a $500 non-refundable deposit to schedule.

Payment Policy

Our preferred methods of payment are:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Credit: Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express

We do not offer billing options at this time, we do however urge clients to apply for Care Credit as we do accept this form of payment at the hospital. Payment is due at the time of service. 

Emergency Policy 

Emergency exams are charged due to the number of staff required to care for your pet emergency and the impact it has on the schedule. Emergency cases are fit directly into the busy schedule, often causing delays for other clients, and require a large amount of attention from both doctors and staff.”
Our emergency fee is typically for serious things that make us stop and address or even be waiting with a stretcher (not conscious or trouble breathing, snakebite, ate poison, etc.)